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  • Writer's pictureLaura Kae

God is not worried

Whatever the case might be, God is not worried about 2019. On Sunday I heard someone give someone else a word of encouragement. It really encouraged me too. God was not worried about this person, and He isn’t worried about us either.

Had I been asked, “Is God worried?”, I would be able to quickly say “no”. It wouldn’t be just an intellectual assent to a doctrinal truth, but it would be something I really believed.

However, if I was asked, “Is God worried about you?”, there may be a brief moment of hesitation. Sometimes I feel like there is disaster still lurking around the corner of my life. Right now life is going really, really well. So well that last night as I fell asleep I could not believe I was starting a new year on such good and joyful terms. My life is nearly perfect, and it is not hard to dance instead of walk down a street.

Yet even if God being in my life has led to such an abundance of the fruit of the Spirit as for me to confess a nearly perfect life (in which I still face daily trials and tribulations), I still can feel like an accident waiting to happen. God isn’t worried about me? Are you sure? because I can be pretty incompetent down here.

The good news is that He is down here too! I am not here alone, and neither are you! God has complete confidence in our safety and spiritual growth. He doesn’t put His trust in humans (John 2:24-25); but He does trust His Spirit within us.

Paul told the Philippians, “I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:4-6

Today as we begin a new year, let’s rejoice that God is doing a good work in us! If you don’t know what in the world I am talking about or have the slightest clue how to begin a relationship with God, head over to the page on my blog called “What is the Gospel?“. There is some mighty good news there.

Let’s start our year filled with the fruit of righteousness! God has great confidence in His Holy Spirit. We can live with confidence and joy. We never have to fear a thing. God is not worried. As His children, we needn’t be either.


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