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  • Writer's pictureLaura Kae

Forgetting what lies behind

It is crazy to think that I am going to say something again. I never expected my sabbatical to be so short. I don’t think I am jumping the gun; but I will begin slowly, and undoubtedly not daily, weekly and monthly – at least not in the beginning.

At first, there may be some vlogging. I want to continue having a break from writing, so that I can break as many writing patterns that I don’t like as possible.

So this video is what happens when I come home from church inspired, put on workout clothes (that I bought years ago when I worked out haha), and then spontaneously decide to take a shot at a possible first vlog (all the while wondering why I would do so after getting out of my pretty clothes).

On the importance of forgetting what is behind in order to experience Christ fully. Enjoy!


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